
Welcome to today’s Fictionary, where I pick an image from pixabay and create a fiction based upon it. Prompt idea from Word of the Day Challenge!

[At a laboratory, late, cleaning crew making their rounds]

“Did you here that?”, Michael asked over his shoulder to Kelly, his coworker for the evening.

No reply.

Michael looked back and nodded, of course not, he thought, glancing at the ear buds firmly planted in her ears, Kelly nodding to the music as she gathered the trash.

Walking around the desk he found the source of the noise he had heard. There on the floor lay several amber shards of what might have once been a ball. Picking the pieces up, he could clearly see how they had fit together before it fell. An odd recess in the pieces would have made a hollow spot, as if something had been trapped inside.

He gently set the pieces on the desk. While looking for a piece of paper to leave a note for the research staff he spotted a bright orange sticky note. Handwritten quickly was the succinct message, DANGER! DO NOT BREAK!

Michael glanced around cautiously, suddenly feeling alarmed. He heard a THUD as something hit the floor behind him and turned to find Kelly sprawled out, clutching her very swollen neck, a bright red sting mark clearly visible. She shuttered briefly and lay still, lifeless eyes staring up at him.

He turned to flee the room, reaching for the door and felt it, a stinging pain in his left shoulder. He managed only a couple more steps before collapsing too, the second victim this night.

Danger indeed! It should have remained captured always…

[The end]

Special thanks to stux on pixabay for the image

[I originally posted this to another blog, SharedHere. Decided not to continue over there for now]

© 2018 – James Sponseller –

Published by Jim Sponseller

Family man, father, programmer, and artist. I work with digital art, photographs, author poems and fiction, and also work in artistic metal smithing. You can find poems, photos, and digital art samplings at Thank you for your support! If you like my offerings and would like to donate, please buy me a coffee:

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