Halloween Challenge: Graveyard

Here is day 23 of JNW’s Halloween Challenge: Graveyard.

I hope my being a day behind for the last several installments didn’t bother anyone too greatly.

[Begin scene]

Graveyards are such interesting places,

I wander around and imagine their faces…


Who was Jon Smith or Betty Jones,

They once were here where now there are bones…


I think of just how their lives might have been,

How the world was quite different a place back then…


I also think of what future people will say,

Will they wonder of me in a similar way?

[End scene]



©  2017 – James Sponseller – mindescapes.net


Published by Jim Sponseller

Family man, father, programmer, and artist. I work with digital art, photographs, author poems and fiction, and also work in artistic metal smithing. You can find poems, photos, and digital art samplings at https://mindescapes.net. Thank you for your support! If you like my offerings and would like to donate, please buy me a coffee:https://buymeacoffee.com/jimsponseller

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