Oh Glorious Day

It’s Monday morning. Start of the work week. Glorious Day? Pshhh…Well I say it is a glorious day. You are here , I am here, seems glorious enough for me. Let’s see if we can start this week off right.

[Begin  scene]

The warm morning sun peeks over the nearby trees completely unaware of starting a new week…

Petunias in a nearby garden, their collection of purples and violets, reach for the heat of the morning rays…

A slight fog dampens the sounds of a world coming to life…

The aroma of your morning coffee rouses your senses while the warmth seeps into your hands wrapped around your cup…

You feel awake, prepared, and determined…

#Motivated Monday.

[End scene]


Published by Jim Sponseller

Family man, father, programmer, and artist. I work with digital art, photographs, author poems and fiction, and also work in artistic metal smithing. You can find poems, photos, and digital art samplings at https://mindescapes.net. Thank you for your support! If you like my offerings and would like to donate, please buy me a coffee:https://buymeacoffee.com/jimsponseller

3 thoughts on “Oh Glorious Day

  1. Thank you for the comment. I decided to use the begin/end scene after hearing about mental tricks professional golfers and others use to help them put their mind in the correct frame. Such as always latching the velcro on their glove once they stand by the ball/tee. It helps put a stark beginning and helps put the mind in the right place. I hope our readers here find it helps them prepare their mind for the scene to be imagined. Have a great day!

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